Basic Inspection

Basic Inspection

Condo and/or House up to 1500 sq ft


1 visit per week. Trip fee applies beyond 30 miles.

House Between 1501 sq to 2200 sq ft


1 visit per week. Trip fee applies beyond 30 miles.

House Between 2201 sq ft to 3200 sq f


1 visit per week. Trip fee applies beyond 30 miles.

Property from 3201 sq ft to 4200 sq ft


1 visit per week. Trip fee applies beyond 30 miles.

Property from 4201 sq ft to 5200 sq ft


1 visit per week. Trip fee applies beyond 30 miles.

Important Information

Inspection Charge Based on Square Footage (1 Visit Per Week)

  • Up to 1500 sq ft: $60 per visit
  • 1501 sq ft to 2200 sq ft: $70 per visit
  • 2201 sq ft to 3200 sq ft: $80 per visit
  • 3201 sq ft to 4200 sq ft: $90 per visit
  • 4201 sq ft to 5200 sq ft: $100 per visit

Trip Fee

  • No trip fee will be charged for services provided to properties within a 30-mile radius of our business location
  • For properties located over 30 miles, a $0.75 per mile will apply


Inspection packages include after-visit reports.

Payment Structure: 50% is due upfront, with the remaining balance billed after service completion.

For additional information regarding our services, please email us at [email protected] for a free quote, service contract and fee schedule.

Request Home Watch

Reach out to us for expert home watch services in North Pole or Fairbanks, Alaska. Your property's security is our top priority.